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G36 Variants

The G36 was created for the requirements of the German armed forces, the G36 continues to set the standard in the field of assault rifles. Used as an infantry weapon in a large number of countries, Special Forces and security forces also rely on its constant reliability.

Essential components of the G36 are made of glass fibre reinforced plastic. This gives the solder a lightweight weapon with high performance and low maintenance requirements.

The G36 is ideally suited for dismounted infantry operations. For optimal handling, weight, and rate of fire in close-quarters battle, and for rapid, accurate and penetrating single fire in long-range combat.

The G36 airsoft rifle looks just like the real thing!! Its an ideal primary weapon or great backup rifle. Ideal for woodland skirmish, close-quarters battle skirmish, beginners and experience players alike.
G36 Variants
JG/Golden Eagle G39 Rifle
Ideal if you are new to RIF ownership and want a ready to go package Fire Modes: Safe, Semi and full auto Approx fps: 340 - 350fps Hop Up: AdjustableLength: 500mm - 720mm